
六合彩资料大全 Office of HR Organizational Development News
A 六合彩资料大全 Publication

Providing leadership & learning avenues to secure the future of the system

六合彩资料大全 HR Office of Organizational Development Newsletter
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The Sixth Cohort of the 六合彩资料大全 Executive Leadership Institute Set to Begin

The Board of Regents of the 六合彩资料大全 recognizes that developing leaders is critical to the future success of the System. The Executive Leadership Institute (ELI) is the flagship System-wide program developed in 2009 to prepare high-potential leaders for advancement in the 六合彩资料大全. The ELI strengthens core leadership skills in four critical competency areas: strategy, engagement, collaboration, and execution. The ELI targets leaders in department chair, executive director, and higher management level positions and requires an investment of approximately 120 hours of the leader鈥檚 time over an eight-month period. Major institute components include group learning sessions, job shadowing, peer mentoring, and action learning.

With the completion of the 2014-2015 ELI, the total number of alumni in the System increased to 278.

Although participation in the ELI does not involve nor does it imply promotion or a change in position, more than ten percent of ELI Alumni have earned promotions or have been selected to assume a broader array of roles and job responsibilities. The 六合彩资料大全 Strategic Agenda includes a focus on accountability, efficiency, and innovation. The ELI supports growth and development of leaders to sustain the 六合彩资料大全 as a leading system of higher education institutions.

to the ELI are being accepted now through September 9, 2015.

Posted by Jeremy Dye on August 24, 2015
Published in: Executive Leadership